Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

What a WoNdErFuL year
its going to be

2009 was super

celebrated birthdays
lost teeth
played softball
learned new things
experienced new things
felt sadness
enjoyed time together

what a wonderful year
looking forward to 2010

awhile ago my friend nancy blogged about "her word"
with much thought put into it, i have found "my word"
it is
in my life i tend to jump from one thing to another
moving on quickly
there are some things i do focus on
being a mother, love it
being a wife, got a great hubby
my family
but for me, me.
i rarely focus on one thing
i am a dreamer.
a huge dreamer.
and i like that
but this year i am going to allow myself to focus.
focus on one dream
focus on one thing
focus on what is missing

even on the little things
like packing to go on a trip
focusing enough to pack in outfits so that when
i get there i don't need to go to the store and buy what i didn't back

its not going to be easy
i already know this
its just not my personality to stay focused
but i am going to try
going to make a vision board today
going to remind myself daily to


thanks nancy for the inspiration to find "my word"
happy new year friends

what's your word?


Nancy said...

Great word, girl. Wasn't this last year fabulous? High points and low points but God was leading the way the whole time. Here's to many more memories this year.... :)

Darlene said...

It's going to be a great year! And, 2009 was wonderful, too. I am enjoying life. Glad to hear that you've chosen your word. I'm sure you'll tackle it and stay focused on many tasks.

Happy New Year, friend!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

Happy New Year, Friend!! I think Focus is a great choice. Think of all the amazing things that can bring into your life!! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds :)

Janna said...

It has been a great year! And what a fun way to celebrate with the kids and game night. Have a blessed 2010.

Patsy said...

Love the word. I will have to think of my word. I have enjoyed your blog this year and look forward to the coming year. Have a blessed day!!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

Neat idea to find "my word". I want to think about that!

Happy New Year!